Formal Fitness Back, Traps, Biceps Workout

This workout was filmed at Wyomissing Fitness and Training and was a back, traps, biceps workout. The song was courtesy of Sulia Studio and Wes U. was in the film with the FFT CEO Michael Hartman.

If you want to try this workout for by yourself or with a partner I will post the workout below!

Bent Over Row Super-set Reverse Bent Over Row 3 sets of 7-8 /  16-20

Straight Arm Pulldown (Rope) Super-set Lat Pulldown (Bar or machine) 3 sets of 16-20 / 7-8

Bench Step – Up Tabata (20 seconds exercise ; 10 seconds recovery, repeated for 4 minutes)

Behind the back barbell shrug Super-set Barbell Shrug to the Front 3 sets of 7-8 / 16-20

Barbell Seated Curl Super-set Barbell Standing Curl 3 sets of 7-8/ 16-20

Prone Incline DB Curl Super-set Seated Incline DB Curl 3 sets of 16-20 / 7-8

Bench Hop Overs Tabata (20 seconds exercise ; 10 seconds recovery, repeated for 4 minutes)

DB Wrist Curls S.S. DB Reverse Wrist Curls 3 sets of 7-8/ 16-20

*Not shown in the video*

10 minute cardio warm-up and foam rolling

5-10 minute post workout foam rolling and stretching


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