
A Fresh Perspective On Longevity

What if I told you things don’t have to stay the way they are? You could improve your health, extend your life, sleep better, and manage stress better, all while building muscle and improving performance. You might think I’m crazy, and maybe I am!

Pursing longevity and improving overall well-being can be daunting. These thoughts are backed by research and a “new way” of looking at your health and fitness. These components have been said to stimulate brown fat metabolism, reduce inflammation, increase muscle recovery, build muscle, strengthen mitochondria, detox, improve sleep, and so much more. This could also control cortisol, increase testosterone, and manage estrogen.

That new way is 4S. Doing this 3-5 days per week may lead to amazing results.

  1. Strength: Spend 45 minutes of weight training prioritizing large muscle groups.
  2. Silence: Spend 5-20 minutes sitting in front of a red light therapy pillar. Spend this time thinking or simply staying silent.
  3. Sauna: Spend 10-30 minutes in a wet sauna while listening to an audiobook, music, or personal growth and development podcast.
  4. Shower: Take your normal shower using the coldest water you can tolerate. Start with something comfortable and gradually increase to what you can tolerate.

There will be a cumulative effect on the results that you get from this protocol. A few weeks will yield some benefits, but doing this consistently for months or years will yield better results. Obviously, the better your diet, the better your fat loss benefits will be as well.

Now you may be thinking. What else can I add to this to create even more benefits? Well, this already will take you about two hours, so it depends on how much time you have on your hands. If you have ample time, there are two additional S subjects we will add. Just for fun. Those would include sex and sleep. If you can have sex after the four subjects and then take a twenty-minute nap, you will have completed 6S—quite possibly the most relaxing protocol on the planet. The sleep part can be altered to simply going to bed if you try this after work! Talk about the release of feel-good hormones like oxytocin, melatonin, and serotonin.

Please conduct yourself responsibly, and remember this is not medical advice or a recommendation. This is simply a new way of looking at health and something that will definitely produce results if you put the time in.

Have fun!

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