woman in gym

Muscle Building and Fat Loss

We believe in the relentless pursuit of improved health, wealth, success, happiness, and great relationships through fitness and good nutrition.

At Formal Fitness Training we specialize in helping busy professionals over 30 achieve and maintain their ideal body, with a unique and individualized approach to fitness. You can begin seeing results immediately. Strength training and nutrition take precedence, along with cardiovascular conditioning and supplementation to change your body. Never be alone and always know what to do next… Schedule a Fitness Training Session

Latest Articles

In shape blonde wearing a white tank top and purple shorts performing a shoulder press in the gym

Comfortable Gym Wear Essentials: Why It Matters and How to Avoid Those Annoying Wardrobe Issues

When it comes to working out with a fitness coach or following a personalized training program, it’s not just about lifting weights or running through cardio routines—it’s about feeling your best while doing it. The right gym wear can transform your entire workout experience, ensuring you’re not distracted by uncomfortable gear or constant adjustments. In […]
Woman laying in bed waking up, with soft morning light streaming through the window, looking relaxed and ready to start the day

10 Minute Morning Workout To Start Your Day

Do you wake up feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by an endless to-do list before your workday even starts? If so, it might be time to adopt a better morning routine. A simple adjustment—like getting up ten minutes earlier—could unlock your highest potential. Many habits that contribute to success take far less time than you think, […]

How to Effectively Build Muscle: A New Year; New You Guide

Building muscle is a rewarding endeavor that not only improves physical strength but also enhances overall health and boosts confidence. To achieve optimal results, you need a well-structured plan that combines effective strength training, proper nutrition, and adequate rest. This guide outlines the best strategies to help you build muscle effectively as many of you […]

A Fresh Perspective On Longevity

What if I told you things don’t have to stay the way they are? You could improve your health, extend your life, sleep better, and manage stress better, all while building muscle and improving performance. You might think I’m crazy, and maybe I am! Pursing longevity and improving overall well-being can be daunting. These thoughts […]

Weight Training Will Not Make Women Bulky

A common misconception that is still believed to be true is that women who lift weights will get bulky “like a man.” This is incorrect! How big you can get and how much muscle you can add depends largely on your genetics (do you have a big thick frame or a small frame?)  your nutrition, […]

Get Stronger To Stay Resilient

You are going to get older. There is no way currently available to stop that. Now, do you want to get older in great shape or do you want to get older in terrible shape? This is Michael, the owner of Formal Fitness Training and I would like to share with you a story in […]
barbell curl three tainers in gym Mike and client at Retro Fitness Michael Hartman and Stephanie Grace woman fitness client flexing with Mike got in shape for wedding raising the bar Mike training girl in tanktop outdoor group Nehemiah and Mike after a workout partners workout arms brothers at the gym trainer with couple family at gym fall shred group pushups lifting dumbells in pink tanktop fit older woman flexing in maroon athletic gear formal fitness girls mike in boom hat mike with five fitness clients pushing sled trainers green screen thumbs up hiking group create something awesome group outside photo mike with older woman mike on tiger tails man with boxing gloves

Gear Up

formal fitness hoodie

Formal Fitness Training apparel is made using the brands the professionals use... Under Armour, Nike, Champion, and more! Every item is custom made and delivered to your house! Orders ship in 1-2 weeks because every item is custom printed for your exact specifications. Stay warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and perform at your very best. Put on your FFT gear and go to work! That's the Formal Fitness Training way! Apparel and Gear