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Positive Side Effects of Lifting Weights

When you begin a journey of losing weight or transforming your life through weight training and cardiovascular programming, you may think that looking better is the only reason you are doing it. Reality is, when you enter a gym or even lift weights at home, there will be some amazing side effects of lifting weights. […]

5 Unique Reasons Why You are not Losing Bodyfat

Conventional wisdom says that all you need to do to lose weight or lose fat is to exercise more and eat less. While there is some merit to this advice, it doesn’t tell the whole story. At Formal Fitness Training, we have worked with every type of person during the last eighteen years in business. […]

Weight Loss and Body Transformation Are Not the Same Thing

There is an overarching belief among athletes that we should maintain and build as much muscle as much as we can while minimizing fat storage to increase athletic performance. There is generally a widespread belief among “normal people” that we need to lose weight (no matter what), even at the expense of muscle tissue and […]

Formal Fitness Training and Steph Grace Fitness Showdown Part 2: Shoulders and Arms

When two trainers find the time to workout together, the result is magical. Professional trainer Stephanie Grace and Michael Hartman recently met up for a sleeve-tearing shoulder and arm routine. It was full of laughs, pain, and nuggets of wisdom. We hope you enjoy it! Finding a professional trainer, workout partner, or good friend to […]

Taking Steps to Remain Positive While Investing in Your Future

There are thousands of personal growth and development books that come out each year. Some promise big returns on minimal effort. Others promise sustainable returns on seemingly unsustainable efforts. The easiest way to make progress is to do the same small, actionable processes day in and day out! I want you to commit to doing […]

Achieve Greater Results In Half The Time

Starting your fitness journey may have you wondering how much life you will have with the amount of time you will spend in the gym. Luckily for you, it is far less time than you have likely imagined! The internet is riddled with influencers who are spreading messages such as “team no days off,” “lift […]