Make Working Out Fun Again
Hello everyone and welcome back to a Formal Fitness Training rambling; I mean blog by me Mike the owner of FFT. Thanks for taking a few moments out of your day to see what is running through my endless stream of thoughts and aspirations!
Today was a great morning. I was up at 5:50am so I spent some time reading a book called Catalyst. Catalyst is about helping people change their mind and take action on how to become better people and how to nudge and convince them on what they need to reach their goals. From there I drank my cup of coffee (black of course) and out the door I went on a forty-five minute walk around the neighborhood. During my walk I listened to Phil Mickelson on the Ed Mylett show talking about how to improve your life through visualization and doing whatever it takes. When I returned home I sat on my deck and listened to a twenty minute relaxation podcast by Aditi Shah from Peleton which cleared my mind so I could come inside shower, shave, cut my hair, and get ready for the day! 10am.
The walk and meditation made me think of a few important things. When was the last time you carved out four hours of a day just for you? Secondly, fitness and health doesn’t always have to be strenuous or stressful. Today was one of the greatest mornings of my recent memory. (I tried something new as well. No coffee for the first 1.5 hours of being awake) I believe that there is an important lesson to be learned through all of the last nine weeks where we have been conditioned to a new reality. That lesson is to slow down and also take care of ourselves. During this week I had some great conversations with clients and we talked about how we can all work towards improvement in all aspects of life. If you can’t take care of yourself you shouldn’t expect yourself to take care of someone else.
To make this short and sweet and also make it impactful I will leave you with this brief continuation of the above rambling.
I challenge you to not only make working out fun again, but also make it productive. Sure building muscle, burning fat, and releasing endorphins are great but to be truly healthy you need strength in mind, body, spirit, intellect, emotions, and faith. Get outside and walk, get outside and workout, meditate, yoga, take a bike ride, climb a steep hill, take a hike, practice deep breathing, by all means crush some heavy weights in the gym (soon), but all in all have fun while working out again and make the pursuit of optimal health fun! Love life, breath it in, onward and upward always!
Formal Fitness Training CEO