Posted: August 20, 2020
We are here; 2020. If you think back just forty or fifty years there was so many things which could kill us instantly. Heart attack survival rates were low, cognitive rehabilitation had just begun & many of the vaccines and treatments that we take for granted today were just figments of our imagination or had […]
Posted: August 14, 2020
Training Through The Decades If one thing sticks in my mind throughout the last twenty-one years of regular weight training and participation in sports, while living an active life style it is this; longevity is the key and what you do currently & did in the past may not be what you need to do […]
Posted: August 4, 2020
What is health? Is it simply absence of disease or is it vitality, libido, enthusiasm, and energy? What is fitness? Is it simply the ability to take a walk, do a push-up, or is it climbing over a wall, jumping, swimming or running as hard as you can for a minute? At Formal Fitness Training […]
Posted: June 27, 2020
Exercise is important for everyone but it is crucial for anyone over the age of sixty. It cannot be stressed enough that the most effective medicine in the world is exercise and a healthy diet rich in good fats, vegetables & high quality proteins. What are the benefits of exercise? Exercise strengthens bones, reduces the risk […]
Posted: May 8, 2020
The Trainer Bunch Volume 1 was the first of hopefully many collaborations with four of the best trainers in the fitness industry. Danielle Keperling – Be Dani Fit Stefano Sarge – Ampersand Integrative Wellness Benn Fineman – Intuitive Roots Michael Hartman – Formal Fitness Training The trainers got together on Zoom and then connected to […]
Posted: March 28, 2020
Given the circumstances we realize more people are working out at home than ever before. For some of us we have equipment lying around the house for others we have minimal equipment or none at all. In the event that the current pandemic lasts for a few months it is important to learn how to take care of your […]