Health and Fitness

Dan getting jacked

Weight Training Should Replace Traditional Cardiovascular Activity

When most people think about cardiovascular activity they think of the boring (walking on the treadmill, riding the bike, stair master, elliptical) activities. Yes, these are cardiovascular  activities but if you spend thirty to sixty minutes per day on these devices; there is no amount of music, Netflix or podcasts that will make it less […]
Stick figure hoisting a heavy barbell overhead.

Optimal Intensity: Why minimal effort will lead to minimal results.

Overtraining! It is something you hear about often; but we would venture to say less than 2% of gym goers have the potential to suffer from it (overtraining). Actually recently FFT Owner Mike has been paying closer attention than usual to what is happening in the gym. What he has observed; he has found on […]
In Shape Woman Leg Pressing

Playing the Long Game is the only Game you should be Playing

From as far back as I can remember the headlines would read “six pack abs in thirty days”, “add two inches to your biceps in six weeks” or “lose 50 pounds in three months”. Do you want to know the truth? Those are lies. Seventeen years in the fitness industry will show you what works, […]

Taking a Week Off from Training & Why Vacation Weight Gain is B.S.

How many times have you had a conversation with a friend, colleague or family member when they got back from vacation and they say something to the effect “I gained ten pounds on vacation”? I’m here to tell you that not only is that complete and utter B.S., it is also virtually impossible. See to […]

Build Muscle for a Faster Metabolism

I’m seeing a trend in today’s health and fitness space which I believe is problematic. It is not uncommon to see nutrition plans consisting of calories 1200-1600 per day for men and women to be combined with an hour or two of cardiovascular activity. The problem with this approach is participants will lose weight; but […]
results greater than excuses

The Two Most Important Things to Focus on When Weight Training

When weight training (whether you are a novice or advanced participant) it is imperative that you focus on form and volume in your weight training routine. Failure to keep an eye on these items can lead to injuries from failure to perform exercises correctly or from increasing your training volume too quickly. The flip side […]