Advice and Motivation

work from home

What I’ve learned during Quarantine

It was 5 pm on Monday March 16th where my whole business and perhaps my life changed. Life was going normally or as normal as expected. I was busy preparing for my wife’s birthday (March 28th), Easter, summer vacations and as always planning on what the future of Formal Fitness Training would be. That is […]

4 Types of People

Stepping away from fitness in this blog and talking about the four people you will meet in your life. There are four types of people that you will encounter in life. 1. There will be those who support you. These people can include your family, friends, co-workers, or people you encounter who are just very genuinely supportive people. This is the group of people […]

Mindset for Results

Hello my faithful comrades! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Today I’m going to do a blog without a rhythm or reason that will transform the way you look at your health and going to the gym. Mindset. What is mindset? It’s the mental state that you get in, or the […]

The Willpower of Success

The willpower of your mind and your will to succeed will either drive you toward success or pull you back from success. There are two types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsically motivated people do things that push them towards their goals because they enjoy the effect of what they are doing. Intrinsically motivated people will do the work […]

How to increase your motivation to workout!

Motivation and time are the biggest factors for not going to the gym. Individuals say they don’t have time to workout, or they simply struggle to get out the door when its cold, raining, or they had a long stressful day at work. In this blog I’m going to give you ten suggestions to teach […]
Caffeines effect on performance

Setting Smart Goals and Accomplishing New Years Resolutions

New Year Resolutions tend to fail. Why? A person who trains a few times a month, eats minimal veggies, drinks minimal water, does minimal cardio, and eats one large meal per day attempts to… 1 Workout everyday 2 Eat 5 servings of veggies 3 drink 8 cups of water per day 4 cardio everyday 5 […]