Posted: October 17, 2020
What is Fear? Future Expectations Affecting Results (F.E.A.R) If you expect that the thing you are afraid of is going to cause you struggles it probably will & if you think facing your fears will create positive outcomes it probably will. Try not to get stuck focusing on your F.E.A.R. It is ok to be […]
Posted: September 6, 2020
What if moderation was the key to everything from finances, food consumption, exercise, learning, sleep, stress, & even spirituality? This article could be a very quick article if we simply said that “moderation may be the key to everything” but lets dig deeper. If you are familiar with the story of the Three Little Bears […]
Posted: July 17, 2020
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jones, How are you doing today? We don’t know each other really well but if you took the chance to know me, I think we would get along just fine, become buddies or even best friends. My name is EXERCISE! I hear you late at night when you tell each other […]
Posted: June 12, 2020
The finish line is never the end. Whether you are losing weight, building muscle, working with a personal trainer, running a race, playing a sport, going for a job, or anything else that you are pursuing for a given period of time. If we look simply from a fitness perspective there is usually a goal […]
Posted: May 22, 2020
Hello everyone and welcome back to a Formal Fitness Training rambling; I mean blog by me Mike the owner of FFT. Thanks for taking a few moments out of your day to see what is running through my endless stream of thoughts and aspirations! Today was a great morning. I was up at 5:50am so […]
Posted: April 20, 2020
Prior to this pandemic hitting the streets like an elephant stomping on an ant hill; When was the last time you thought about what was really important to you, and in life? I thought I had a good grasp on what was important and that I was moving in the right direction, but a full […]