Posted: August 15, 2023
Recently I have been thinking about the world and why it seems as though some people achieve lasting results in health, wealth and success while others are rarely making progress or actually prefer to remain the same for life. Why? Successful people hire coaches to help them get better (lawyers, medical professionals, accountants, trainers, chefs, […]
Posted: August 1, 2023
Have you ever looked in the mirror and realized “I’m not getting any younger”? You may start to think about your impact, your goals, your appearance & the mistakes or victories you made along the way; this has been me recently. What would I tell my twenty year old self from an advice, health and […]
Posted: November 4, 2022
Remember the time you went to the gym in January for a couple of weeks; bought a treadmill for home which later became a coat rack or saw a friends results and felt jealous and thought “I should do something about my health and fitness”? The problem for many is they don’t have a long […]
Posted: March 6, 2022
Today marks essentially the two year mark from when Covid-19 caused shut downs around the world. Now inflation is increasing, gas prices are increasing and unrest over seas has people on the edge of their seats. In todays socially connected world; there comes a desire to have results/things right away! This is why we tend […]
Posted: November 19, 2021
Fat loss, toning and weight loss. Those are the three most common reasons someone embarks on an exercise program followed by muscle building, looking better naked & lastly health. Health should probably be number one but social media has us conditioned to want to look a certain way. Just remember many of the people who […]
Posted: September 6, 2021
The world right now is moving faster than it ever has before. Technology, healthcare, education and government can change on a dime and how we respond to those changes significantly dictates how our life progresses determining whether we improve, maintain or go backwards. Strength is the one thing that can keep you maintaining and likely […]