brunette-bombshell-weight training

Build Bombshell Arms

There is a myth out there that women will get bulky easily by lifting weights. That is simply incorrect. Building muscle is extremely hard and requires immense amounts of effort and food. Today we will show you how to build and earn bombshell arms as a woman. Keep in mind that if you have more than twenty-thirty pounds of extra body fat, you will need to address fat loss first before you can truly reveal your arms, legs, abs, or anything else. Don’t be discouraged if that is you; start losing one pound of fat at a time, and you will be looking the way you want before you know it.

These routines will also work for a man; we just need to debunk the myth that women will get “super bulky” by lifting any weight over 5 lbs. It is simply not true.

The anatomy of the arm. The shoulder is composed of four main muscles (front deltoid, medial deltoid, rear deltoid, and trapezius) and also a complex group of smaller muscles known as the rotator cuff. Your biceps are composed of three main muscles (brachialis, bicep brachii short head, and bicep brachii long head), and lastly, the triceps are composed of three muscle groups (lateral, long, and medial heads of the triceps). We won’t bore you with the details here, but the forearms have a lot of muscles: flexors, extensors, and rotators.

How do I build amazing arms?

Let’s break this down anatomically first, and then I will give a sample workout routine that will help you get started (do so at your own risk).

Building a program.

Workout A: Biceps and Triceps

  1. EZ Bar Close Grip Curl s.s. Tricep Rope Pressdown (Close grip works the outer head of the biceps, and tricep rope pressdowns hit the long and medial heads of the triceps primarily.)
  2. EZ Bar Wide Grip Curl s.s. Underhand Straight Bar Tricep Pressdowns (The wide grip works the inner head of the biceps, and the underhand grip press down hits more of the long head and inner medial head of the triceps.)
  3. DB Hammer Curl s.s. Bodyweight Bench or Elbow in Dips (the DB Hammer curl hits some of the forearm muscles as well as the underbicep muscle brachial, and the dips hit a majority of the triceps muscles).

Complete this routine for 3–5 sets of each superset. Repetition ranges should be 6–12 for building mass and strength, 12–15 for “toning,” and 6–20 for functional fit because all repetition ranges matter functionally speaking.

Workout B: Shoulders and Trapezius

  1. DB Lateral Raise s.s. DB Overhead Press (lateral raises hit the medial deltoid, and overhead presses hit primarily the front and medial deltoids, depending on grip).
  2. DB Front Raise s.s. Facedown Bench Rear Deltoid Raises (Front raises hit the front deltoid and rear deltoid raises hit the rear deltoid, pretty simple there.
  3. Barbell Shrug to Front s.s. Barbell Shrug to Back (Shrugs in front of the body hit trapezius muscles in the front of the body vs. behind the back, which hit the trapezius muscle on the back of the body) Much like training abdominals, the whole trap is being worked with both movements; it is just the specification of which part of the muscle is working harder.

Complete this routine for 3–5 sets of each superset. Repetition ranges should be 6–12 for building mass and strength, 12–15 for “toning,” and 6–20 for functional fit because all repetition ranges matter functionally speaking.

In closing, make sure you are utilizing proper programming when trying to make gains with your arms or any other part of your body. A sample split would look something like this to implement these two routines. Prioritize getting enough protein while staying hydrated. Utilize weights that allow you to complete the recommended repetitions in proper form while struggling a bit. Most importantly, have fun; working out isn’t supposed to be torture!

Mon: Legs

Tues: Arms

Wed: Off

Thurs: Shoulders

Fri: Abs

Sat: Chest and Back

Sun: Off

Get to work; summer is just around the corner!


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